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Our recreational gymnastics sessions are held on Mondays, Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays with gymnasts grouped by age.


 The sessions help the attending children benefit from an active lifestyle. We believe that participating in organised sports provides a chance for young people to increase their activity and develop socially and physically.


All General Gym session are a 1 hour structured class and consist of a Cardio warm up, stretch, body preparation and 2 lots of apparatus, which rotate on a fortnightly basis.


Sessions have a huge focus on developing strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and speed.


Classes have a maximum of 16 participants with at least a 1:8 ratio of coach to child


There is always a Star of the Session at the end of every class.


General Gym sessions are £7 and are paid monthly.



You will be needing Truro Gymnastics club annual membership which is £20.



You will also need British Gymnastics annual Membership and Insurance after you have attended two sessions.

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